About us...

About us...

About Us

Roninwear is currently the most established shop in mainland Spain dedicated to items for MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, combat sports of all sorts and related activities such as martial arts, Body Combat, Fitness and Capoeira. We are regarded in this market as the largest importer in Spain, with over 85 brands, among which are the most prestigious from the USA, Europe and Brazil. 

After 14 years of commercial activity, we have more than 75000 customers from over 55 countries spread across the five continents.

The number of different products stocked in our warehouse exceeds 5000.

Our entrepreneurial project started around 2002. Back then, MMA practitioners found it hard to acquire the clothing and equipment required for their sport so Pablo Espejo-Saavedra, holder of an IT Systems Administration qualification and a contact sports practitioner himself, as well as a promoter of martial arts events, used his knowledge and expertise in combat sports and new technologies to form an online trading business by the name of RONINWEAR with the aim of supplying those who practiced his favourite sport with all the required products at an affordable price and with a fast service.

Around the year 2006, the first stage in the development, financing and organization of the economic and sporting project was completed. In March 2007, the Roninwear online shop was finally launched with a promising reception, eventhough e-commerce was a risky venture back then, both for sellers and potential buyers. Even most banks were highly skeptical of that type of commerce.

Being the first 100% online shop dedicated to MMA clothing and equipment in Spain, coupled with its advanced web design, real-time customer support, instant delivery and return service and an updated as well as diversified stock, puts us at the forefront in the market of MMA clothing and equipment, successfully overcoming the effects of the economic crisis so far.

The key to our success is specialization. We don't sell a little of everything, which is something large department stores do, but "everything of a little". Martial arts is our thing, what we consider ourselves to be knowledgeable about and the world we choose to be in. Our staff are fighters themselves, the clothes we wear are the same as those we sell and the fashion we offer (we are a business that sells fashion) is drawn from our day-to-day lives.

Even though the economic crisis started more or less at the same time as our venture, Roninwear has established itself as Spain's main shop for MMA products with a significant growth every year. This success has given rise to many copycats, who in most cases have simply copied our site, creating a great deal of confusion at times, especially among new consumers.

Our high level of specialization allows us to resolve any query our customers may have in a fast and personalized manner.

Our commitment to our clients and their full satisfaction are the key to our shop's wide recognition in the market of combat sports products.

The bulk of our advertising is done through our clients by word of mouth. They can also post their opinion about our shop in a window on our website that is easily accessed from our home page. The publicity and veracity of the comments, whether they're positive or negative, is certified by a reputed external auditing firm called EKOMI.

- Best guaranteed price. If any of our customers finds a better price for any of our products on the market, we will lower ours to match it, on the condition that said price does not correspond to an offer, promotion or deal from our competitors.

- Extended return deadline: the legal return period is 7 days. Roninwear increases it to 15 days by means of cash reimbursement, if desired by the client, without the need to answer questions.

- Active support for our sports and athletes: we practice and play an active role in the promotion of combat sports in any environment or territory. Part of our profits and marketing investment is destined to organizing events, sponsoring fighters and placing adverts at events of all kinds, as well as in specialized magazines and websites dedicated to combat sports and martial arts. Our business reflects our vocation and our love for these sports is reflected in our shop. For others, selling our kind of products is merely a business. For us, the growth and acceptance of combat sports among the public is not only a commercial stimulus but a goal in itself.

If you wish to contact us, visit the contact section of this site.