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Cookies policy

What are cookies?

They are files that a website stores in the device you are using to access it in order to store information about your browsing on such website.

How are cookies used on our website?

Cookies are required to browse our site. They store information such as the language you use for browsing or the products added to your cart.

What our website's cookies do not store

We do not store information pertaining to personal identification such as your address, password, etc in our cookies.

Who uses the information stored in our cookies?

The information stored by our website's cookies is used exclusively by us, with the exception of those later identified as "third party cookies", which are used and managed by external entities to provide us with services that we have requested as a means to improve our services and the customers' experience when browsing our website. The main purposes that these "third party cookies" are used for are the collection of access statistics and the processing of payment operations.

Can I prevent the use of cookies on this website? How do I do it?

If you block our cookies, you will still be able to browse and see our website but you will not be able to make purchases, since cookies are required to power our shopping cart as well as for other things. Blocking our cookies depends on which browser (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer...) you use. Search for information in your browser's help section 

What cookies do we use? Below we list all the cookies used by our website and for what purpose.

Cookies for Google Analytics: we use them to compile statistical data on the browsing habits of our visitors, which we later use to improve their user experience when visiting our website.
* __utma
* __utmb
* __utmc
* __utmz

A cookie for our customer chat support system: only used in the event a client decides to contact us through the chat service tool available on our website.
* livezilla

A session cookie: this cookie is essential for the correct browsing of our website, remembering the language chosen by the user, adding products to the shopping cart, etc
* osCsid